The Universe Men's Enviornment
Man is weak and vulnerable; many unpredictable forces can affect him, obstructing his desires and goals. He becomes ill, he loses things, he gets hurt, he plans - and he often fails. As man looks at the scale of the universe around him - seas, mountains, the grandeur of the heavens and galaxies - he must consider his insignificance and weakness. At this point, unless he is extremely arrogant, he will begin to feel humble and helpless next to the vastness of things around him.
Mens Need for Faith
When a person weighs up everything, he will realise that something is missing. He will ask himself: ‘What is the explanation for this life; what is the purpose of living?’ This is where FAITH begins. He will realise that there must be some great mysterious power behind existence, something which controls the harmony and sequence of events; something behind the mere dust and materialism of this world.
The Need to Worship
Man will then look for something ABOVE HIMSELF worthy to worship and believe in. This is the amazing spiritual nature of man, which makes him unique and also makes him accountable. It is the inner discussion he has with his own SOUL, which distinguishes the human being from the ANIMALS. If he is guided, he will find the One True God, and will fulfil his need to worship by believing in Him and obeying the Divine Inspiration sent by Him. This is basically the meaning of Islam; surrender to the Lord and Sustainer of the Universe - Allah.
The need for "faith" and "worship", which you suggest, are very much debatable... but even with as a given, there is absolutely no reason for Man to come to the conclusion that the creator/sustainer is the Islamic god anymore than he may suppose it to be one of the other thousands of gods that Man has created over time.
Faith is intellectual dishonesty where Man, when faced with tough questions, abandons his intellectual faculties and seeks comfort in irrational things that do away with the need to seek and learn, do away with the need for adopting fair ethics and eludes facing the honest reality of his existence.
Man feels real humility when he realises when his life is all he got and that he is just a mere existence that has gained conciousness in a vast universe where much of it is seemingly not aware of its own existence. Man does real good when the good things he do is done not to seek favour of a god and not to escape punishment of a god but rather with the honest intention of doing good to another and helping the others purely out of own unselfish desires.
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